Gas Certification for Boats motorhomes & Caravans
Book a jobAt optimum Marine and RV gasfitting we specialise in gas compliance certifications
If you have been asked by your insurance company for a Gas code of compliance certificate, look no further.
We can help! We offer a fully mobile service and if gas runs through it, we do it! We are your one stop shop!
Gas is not a DIY Job.
Gas work completed on a boat or caravan is classified as high-risk gas fitting. There are strict regulations in New Zealand and any gas work needs to comply with the AS/NZS 5601.2:2013 standard. This includes lodging any gas fitting work done on a motorhome, boat or caravan on the New Zealand energy safety website.
As a certified gasfitter, not a month goes by where we don’t see something dangerous on a vehicle. This is why we are passionate about what we do, we want to keep Kiwis safe!
Does your motorhome or boat comply?
Have confidence with a gas safety check from Optimum Marine & RV Gasfitting.
If in doubt, check it out. Ensure your gas system is safe before venturing out. Contact us and have it checked to make certain your gas set up is up to date with the current safety requirements.
A safety inspection from Optimum, includes checking for leaks, making sure all appliances are operating correctly and safely, gas pipework is inspected and correct safety equipment including regulators are functioning as they should.

Get a Gas Code of Compliance Certificate
After a inspection of your boat, motorhome or caravan, we can issue a gas code of compliance certificate if everything complies. If anything needs changing or upgrading we can advise you on the spot. to ensure any issues get resolved in a timely safe manner.
You can have peace of mind knowing that we remain up-to-date on the current gas safety regulations and that all of our work is done in accordance with AS/NZS 5601.2:2013 safety standards. Our certifications are recognised by all New Zealand insurance companies.

Protect your family, BOAT & your vehicle
with a Code of Compliance Certificate from Optimum Marine. & RV Gasfitting.